Tuesday, June 30, 2009


well it is timw again i guess to update every one on my status here. I have 32 days left and it is not going by as fast as I was hoping that it would but that is because i keep couting I think but that is ok. timw is all relative anyway right. I have been starting to excersise again with the P90X excersise program again and i can tell you that it is nothing to mess around with, it really works you and I can feel the difference. i think i might be close to my original goal weight which is a good thing, my goal weight was 190 but i have recently changed it to 185 but i think that no matter what i feel better about myself in that aspect because the last time that i weighed myself i had lost 21 pounds so I am happy for now with that I guess. but i still have 4 weeks left in this place so i am not done yet. I have learned a lot but am still learning thingts that I should already know but maybe one day I will get it right hopefully. well that is all i just wanted to make another update with me in Qatar so there it is. i will talk to you all later. I love you Tracy and miss you so much, I will talk to you here shortly. Bye.

Theron Joel

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