Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lily Mae - 20 Months Old!

Where has the time went, I feel like we blinked and you are growing up! Just a few days ago you where this little baby that did not even fit into preemie cloths and now you are walking, running, climbing, talking and being your little devilish self!

I wish I could freeze time and just know that you will be our little girl forever! I know that sooner than I even think you will be going into Young Women's, talking back, dating, graduating high school and much to your dads disbelief getting married. I just hope that you always remember how much we love you and how special you are too us. How much you have brighten our lives!! I hope you know how much your daddy and I prayed that you would come to us! You are and always will be our little girl! You add so much to our little family! You are such a big helper with Peyton, and boy does he love you! You are our little Lil!!

This Months Achievements

  • You have found out what time out is (and you do not like it)

  • You have really learned how and when to use the words "No No" (you tell us "No" all the time now..we can ask you do you like that the answer is No...haha)
  • You have been going to play group and loving enjoy spending time with any other love playing with them.

  • You have started going to Barns & Nobles for story love singing the songs at the end
  • You have decided that you should be able to go outside by your self (even if it raining)

  • You like wearing socks now...and even try to put on Peyton's after you take them off of him I might add
  • You can now climb on anything and you have even falling off a few things that you have climb on! (scaring mom to death)
  • You love playing with Peyton...and he loves it when you play with him!

  • You have gotten your 1st bloody noise due to climbing and falling off of things!
  • You are very much a blanky girl...I wonder if you will ever not be a blanky girl!!
  • You now can push the kitchen chairs where ever you want them (not sure that is a good thing for mom)
  • You love dancing...anytime we turn on music you go to doing your little dance!!

  • You have finally gotten how to use a spoon by yourself...but yet you still prefer to use your hand (lucky mom)
  • You are still a very silly girl!! You love laughing and keep us laughing a lot around our house!

You have grow way to quick like I have said a million times, but we truly enjoy watching you grow. You are silly as all get out! You love to laugh and make us laugh! You are truly a blessing in our life! We love you and always will Lily Mae!!

With Lots of Love!!
Your Mommy & Daddy

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