Sunday, July 12, 2009

It Is Almost Time......YES

well as you all can tell I have not been on here in a few days.....well it is almost time to come home and I want more than anything to get on that plane and just throw up the dueces to the Deid....HAHA.....I am so ready can you tell. I am ready to pack all of my stuff and bring it to the terminal and put it in the bin and wait for it to get loaded on the plane and then a few hours get on board myself so yes I have already planned it all out......because i work at the terminal I can get on the plane first and get the good seat and just sleep the whole way home or until I cant sleep anymore.....ok I probably wont be able to sleep anyway because I am going to be so excited to be home....I need to stop talking about all of that cause I am just making myself more anxious and I am anxious enough right now ya know.....The coolest thing happened to me about two weeks ago or maybe it was three, I don't know, but anyway I went to church a few weeks ago and when I got there I started to look around at all the people and who all was there to see if there was anyone new that I could introduce myself to and as I looked up at the front of the chapel I noticed someone who I had not seen dince i was about 14 or so, it was my bishop that I had when I first got baptized and I went up to him and asked him if he remembered me and he did, so we eat lunch together every week on wednesday and sunday so I was really excited....he was blown away that i was here and that I was in the Air Force and so it has been really good to remanice with him and see him again.....anyway I am now in the teens, I have 19 days until i am eligeable to come home. so stinking exciting.....well I think that I have been on here long enough rambling on so I will get off of here so bye for now......I love you Tracy and I will see you very soon.....I miss you tons and cant wait to kiss your lips again and hug you and hold you and our kids all at the same time and never let you all go again. I love you and will talk to you soon.


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